Restake Tutorial

Step 1: Connect Wallet

Open the Mind App and connect your Web3 wallet. Visit Mind on the Ethereum Mainnet at If you are using an OKX wallet, you might need to visit and switch the network in your wallet manually. guide

Step 2: Select the token you want to restake.

Currently support:

  • eEth: Lido staked ETH

  • ezEth: Renzo staked ETH

  • stEth: staked ETH

  • stoneEth: StakeStone staked ETH

Step 3: Token Approval.

Enter the amount you would like to restake and click Stake. If this is your first time depositing a token on Mindnetwork, you'll need to Approve token spending before you can restake. Token Approval gives a dApp permission to move the specified token from your wallet. Set a spending cap, and click Next.

Step 4: Confirm Deposit Transaction

Once the token Approval transaction is confirmed, you will be prompted to confirm the Stake transaction. Confirm the Deposit transaction via your wallet. A pop-up window will tell you if the transaction is successful. Observe the corresponding increase in your Restaked balance in the app:

Video Tutorial

Last updated