Developer Guide

🧩 Mind Network Components

Mind Network includes the following components and will be discussed in detail in the next chapters:

  1. MindHub:

    1. MindHubTask: to define FHE validation tasks, including Opt-in Criteria, Slash Criteria, RewardDistribution, and associated Keys:

    2. MindHubManager: to maintain the records of Hub lifecycle, including registration, publishing and cancellation.

    3. MindHubOwner: to own and manage Hub, including register, creditIn, submitTask, start and cancel task.

    4. MindHubIndepedentValidator (SIV): to opt-in FHE validation task and conduct independent validation.

    5. MindHubConsumer: individual consumer who wants to use Hub with FHE validation.

  2. MindConsensus:

    1. MindChain: backbone of automation for FHE validation and consensus.

    2. FHE Validation Consensus Input Contract (POSIV_Input): placeholder for SIV private votes.

    3. FHE Validation Consensus Output Contract (POSIV_Output): placeholder for FCN consensus results.

    4. FHE Validation Consensus Node (FCN): a validator to perform the consensus computation

    5. FHE Validation Decryption Node (FDN): a validator to perform the decryption

  3. MindRestaking:

    1. MindRemoteStaking: for stakers to stake or restake their token in source chain and sync messages to ledger.

    2. MindDelegation: for stakers to delegate their token to SIV.

    3. MindLedger: an immutable book keeper to consolidate token activities, including remote staking, delegation, rewards and slash.

    4. MindXP: a rewards system before Mind Token issues.

Mind Network Architecture

🌊 Mind Network Workflow

Step 0. The Hub Owner initiates a new Hub for FHE validation and pays for the FHE validation. The Hub Owner can set if to decrypt the consensus result by themselves or to delegate to Mind Network to decrypt

Step 1. Staker to stake/restake their tokens on source chains and consolidate to Remote Staking contract

Step 2. Staker to delegate their tokens to the Hub and operators for yields

Step 3. The independent validators in the Hub generate validation results (votes) and encrypt them with FHE public key in each epoch

Step 4. The independent validators submit the encrypted validation results (private votes) to MindChain

Step 5. The validation consensus (private voting calculation) is calculated by FHE Validation Consensus Nodes on encrypted validation results (private votes)

Step 6. The validation consensus result can be decrypted by the FHE Validation Decryption if it is required by the Hub Owner

Step 7. The validation consensus result is sent back to or pulled by the Hub

Step 8. The validation fee will be distributed to the participants, including FHE validators, stakers, and Mind Network treasury.

Last updated