Get started

Get started using the Mind Lake SDK.

The TypeScript/Python SDK enables developers to execute SQL statements freely and perform encryption and decryption operations on specific data.


Install with package:

  • npm: npm install mind-lake-sdk

  • yarn: yarn add mind-lake-sdk

Install from source:


If you have TypeScript or Python environment configured in your local environment, you can jump to "Quick Start" (next section) directly.

Otherwise, you can follow a step-to-step tutorial to prepare the environment first.

SDK Quick Start

More examples

The SDK developer has a few more examples to help understand.

More examples are welcome from the community. Please contact us.


The SDK offers a variety of APIs:


The general interfaces that apply to entire SDK, including the entry point `connect` method to connect to Mind Lake and managing user accounts as well as encryption keys.

Managing the data tables and enabling execution of SQL queries.

Encrypting and decrypting data

Granting permission of decryption to other users for sharing

Last updated